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Sala Coll Alas



This is an exhibition in Sala Coll Alas, a municipal gallery in Gandia, Valencia, Spain

The size and layout of the gallery permitted the inclusion of works spanning more than 50 years


Se trata de una exposición en la Sala Coll Alas, una galería municipal de Gandia, Valencia, España

El tamaño y la disposición de la galería permitieron incluir obras que abarcan más de 50 años

Sala Coll Alas – comments

Sala Coll Alas – observaciones

Gracias a J y a MC



I was deeply moved and touched. Truly innovative, creative, and thought-provoking work. Thank you for sharing the emotions and the real stories behind each piece. It overflows with humanity, beauty, and originality           

Me ha encantado y emocionado profundamente. Una obra realmente innovadora, creativa y para reflexionar. Gracias por compartir las emociones y las historias reales detrás de cada una de las obras. Rebosa humanidad, belleza y originalidad

The ability to emphasize and create a prism of situations that not all of us get to experience is incredibly valuable. Additionally, it involves the skill of helping others understand those experiences in a way that allows us to immerse ourselves in them from our own world. The ability to communicate things through art is as beautiful as it is challenging. Thank you for conveying this .(Fellow breast cáncer sufferer)

Es muy valiosa la habilidad enfatizar y hacer un prisma de situaciones que no todos llegamos a poder vivir, además de ser también un trabajo para saber hacer entender a los demás esas experiencias, de una forma que nos haga poder sumergirnos desde nuestro mundo. La habilidad de comunicar cosas a través del arte es tan bella como difícil. Gracias por transmitir.

An abstract but not post-modernist body of work. Work with the human being as the purpose of art. One of the best works of the end of the 20th century before the existential void of the 21st century arrived.

Una obra abstracta pero no post-modernista. Una obra con el ser humano como propósito del arte. Una obra de lo mejor de finales del siglo XX antes de que llegara el vacío existencial del siglo XXI


Simply stunning.         

Simplemente impactante.

A very cool and original exhibition. I loved it.           

Una exposición muy chula y original. Me ha encantado.

Thank you Peter for moving me.       

Gracias Peter por emocionarme.

It is a genuine exhibition.      

Es una exposición auténtica.

I was amazed, it is a unique exhibition. I wish there were more exhibitions like this.        

Me ha impactado, es una exposición única. Ojalá hubiera más exposiciones así.

It is a great exhibition. Very interesting and fascinating.     

Es una gran exposición. Muy interesante y fascinante.

One of the best exhibitions I’ve ever seen.   

De las mejores exposiciones que he visto.

A new proposition that is in line with the best traditions of cubism with the addition of 3D.

Una propuesta novedosa que entronca con las mejores tradiciones del cubismo  con el añadido del 3D.

Banks’ work reflects an artist full of humanity, professionalism and imagination. Thank you for filling us with hope and happiness

La obra de Banks refleja al artista lleno de humanidad profesionalidad e imaginación. Gracias por llenarnos de esperanza y felicidad


Very interesting exhibition, I have never seen anything like it. A great opportunity to challenge the mind and the sense of visual perception.    

Muy interesante exposición, nunca había visto nada parecido. Una buena oportunidad de ejercitar la mente y la percepción visual

Wonderful exhibition, we were captivated by its beauty. From Valdemoro a greeting and thank you for the exhibitions you offer us.        

Maravillosa exposición, quedamos prendados de su belleza. Desde Valdemoro un saludo y gracias por las exposiciones que nos ofrecen.

I have found Peter Banks’ exhibition to be excellent, he is a true artist.     

La exposición de Peter Banks me ha parecido excelente, es todo un artista.

A very different and peculiar exhibition with real people. Wishing you much success in the future.         

Una exposición muy diferente y peculiar con personas de calle y que en el futuro tenga muchos éxitos.

Spectacular, thank you.         

Espectacular, gracias.

Hi Peter your work is amazing as expected! What a wonderful vision and mind you have.

Hola Peter, tu trabajo es increíble, como era de esperar. Qué maravillosa visión y mente tienes.

Peter, as always, perfect. Until next time.    

Peter, como siempre, perfecta. Hasta la próxima.

A great exhibition, a great artist.      

Una gran exposición, un gran artista.

Very original pictures.           

Fotos muy originales.

As always, a great exhibition.

Como siempre, una gran exposición.

Peter, an original body of work with a very moving message.         

Peter, una obra original y con un mensaje muy emotivo.

I am blown away . The creativity, complexity, and storytelling are really moving  

Estoy alucinada: la creatividad, la complejidad y la forma de contar las historias son extraordinarias

Peter, we loved your exhibition! Keep it up because you are a true artist. 

Peter ¡nos ha encantado tu exposición! Sigue así porque eres un verdadero artista

Hi Peter, your work is very impressive and special. I can tell you enjoyed it. Congratulations.

Hola Peter, muy impresionante y especial tu trabajo. Se ve que  has disfrutado con él. Felicidades.

A very interesting and original body of work.

Una obra muy interesante y original.

Peter you are an artist through and through. You have moved us from the first moment. Our time in the exhibition was too short. You are a genius. We have really enjoyed this time with your works. We hope you have opportunities to exhibit them in many other places and that many more people can enjoy them.            

Peter eres un artista de pies a cabeza. Nos has emocionado desde el minuto cero. Se nos ha quedado corta la exposición. Eres un genio. Hemos disfrutado mucho este rato con tus obras. Te deseamos que tengas oportunidades para poderlas exponer en muchos otros puntos y que mucha más gente pueda disfrutarlas. 

Inspiring, beautiful and about family

Inspirador, bonito y familiar.

I liked the experience with images and the clock which is waiting to form the family portrait.

Me ha gustado la experiencia con cuadros y el reloj que espera formar el retrato familiar.

It  has been a very curious experience          

La experiencia ha sido muy curiosa.           

Beautiful body of work. I moved to Gandia 1 month ago from Toronto and it is with great joy I am writing in this guest book. Thank you for your vision.          

Hermoso conjunto de obras. Me mudé a Gandia hace 1 mes desde Toronto y es con gran alegría que estoy escribiendo en este libro de visitas. Gracias por tu visión. 

A job well done deserves the greatest applause.      

El trabajo bien hecho se merece el mayor aplauso

Wish Jeff could have seen it – Judging by remarks, has been great success – Loved it. 

Ojalá Jeff hubiera podido verla – A juzgar por los comentarios, ha sido un gran éxito – Me encantó

Beautiful, it’s the people that matter. Always.         

Precioso, lo que importan son las personas. Siempre.

I consider you an artist, congratulations for your work, people are appreciating it and I appreciate you very much.( Vicente Estevan)

Te considero un artista, enhorabuena por tu obra, la gente lo está apreciando y yo te aprecio mucho a ti.(Vicente Estevan)

It has been a voyage through the eyes of the author, into a world full of emotions and perspectives and it tells us about time, the family and the author himself. Thank you for the journey 

Ha sido un viaje a la mirada del autor, hacia un mundo lleno de emociones perspectivas y nos habla del tiempo la familia y el autor. Gracias por el viaje.

Inspirational work with dimensions stories and perspectives. Thanks so much for sharing it

Trabajo inspirador con dimensiones historias y perspectivas. Muchas gracias por compartir.

Me ha gustado mucho, interesante.

I was very impressed by the exhibition. (Hugo 8 years old) 

Me ha impresionado mucho la exposición. (Hugo 8 años)

Many thanks, we enjoyed it very much. The depth and beauty of life in all dimensions.

Muchas gracias, nosotros disfrutamos mucho. Profundidad y belleza de la vida en todas dimensiones

Beautiful evocation of memories. Very interesting exhibition.        

Bella transmisión de recuerdos. Muy interesante exposición.

We liked it very much, very original, we were impressed by the way it transforms 2D to 3D.

Nos ha gustado mucho, muy original, nos ha impresionado como transforma el 2D a 3D

A real discovery, we loved it.

Todo un descubrimiento, nos ha encantado.

Very beautiful

Muy bonito

Interesting combination of photography and sculpture – 2D to 3D  

Interesante conjunción de fotografía y escultura 2D a 3D

My three-dimensionality explodes every moment.  

Mi tridimensionalidad explota por momentos.

Dynamic work that engages the viewer.       

Obra dinámica que engancha al espectador.

Spectacular and engaging exhibition

Espectacular exposición que engancha.

A very beautiful and interesting exhibition.  

Una exposición muy bonita e interesante.

Excellent work with great sensitivity.

Excelente trabajo con una gran sensibilidad.

Very original and spectacular.          

Muy original y espectacular.

A fragmented, entertaining and original vision.

Well worth devoting time to!

Visión fragmentaria, entretenida y original. A dedicarle tiempo!

Excellent exhibition. First time I’ve seen a portrait in motion Congratulations       

Excelente exposición. Primera vez que veo retrato en movimiento Felicidades

I found it exciting and very original  

Me ha parecido emocionante y muy original

Very beautiful and original photo museum  

Museo de fotos muy bonito y original.

Simply fabulous.

At each stage of life we have a different point of view, purely empty as it unfolds

Life is a tragedy if you look at it from a small point of view, but a comedy from a big perspective

En cada etapa de la vida tenemos un punto de vista diferente, puramente vacío a medida que se desarrolla.

La vida es una tragedia si la miras desde un punto de vista pequeño, pero una comedia desde una gran perspectiva

The complexity of the creations developed in three dimensions is impressive. A body of work that reaches out and transmits.       

Impresiona la complejidad de las creaciones elaboradas en tres dimensiones. Una obra que llega y transmite.

To ponder, a reflection on life           

Para meditar, una reflexión sobre la vida

It reflects very well the importance of your point of view, as well as the story that lies behind.   

Refleja muy bien la importancia del punto de vista además de la historia que hay detrás.

We entered by chance and found it very original and entertaining.

Hemos entrado de casualidad y nos ha parecido muy original y entretenido.

Just one word, Genius.           

Una sola palabra, Genial.

An impressive moment, a superb exhibition. Thank you for surprising us. It’s unique        

Un momento impresionante, una exposición magnífica. Gracias por sorprendernos. Es único

The stories behind each work make you feel them as your own.

Sometimes you laugh and sometimes you cry but what is clear is that everyone has experiences to tell and I hope you can continue to share more of them.          

Las historias que hay detrás de cada obra hacen que las sientas como tuyas.

A veces se ríe y otras se llora pero lo que está claro es que todos tienen experiencias que contar y espero que puedas seguir contando más.

A very original and curious exhibition.          

Una exposición muy original y curiosa.

It is strange but it has its magic        

Es raro pero tiene su magia

I really enjoyed seeing the evolution of the portraits of the different generations. How interesting it will be for future family members to finish the work.   

Me ha gustado mucho ver la evolución de los retratos de las diferentes generaciones. Qué interesante será que futuros miembros de la familia acaben la obra.

As always, Peter’s works are ‘different’ but interesting. They show his unique style.

Como siempre, las obras de Peter son «diferentes» pero interesantes. Muestran su estilo único.

Your exhibition is very beautiful and it gives the viewer a very different perspective on the 3D reality that we perceive with our eyes. Very inventive and beautiful. Thank you for showing us your reality of the world. Time is just a part and a perspective of space

Su exposición es muy bonita y da al espectador una perspectiva muy diferente de la realidad 3D que percibimos con nuestros ojos. Muy inventivo y agradable. Gracias por mostrarnos tu realidad del mundo. El tiempo es solo una parte y una perspectiva del espacio

Art that moves me. Thank you very much.   

Arte que conmueve. Muchas gracias.

I find all your work amazing. Thank you for allowing us to share your art  

Me parece increíble todo tu trabajo. Gracias por hacernos partícipe de tu arte.

Knowing how to express ideas is something precious.         

Saber expresar las ideas es algo precioso.

It has left us speechless; really, it is impressive how they transmit emotions.        

Nos ha dejado sin palabras, la verdad, es impresionante cómo transmiten las emociones

Congratulations on your art, you have a great way of telling stories. Thank you for your work.    

Enhorabuena por tus obras, tienes una forma genial de contar historias. Gracias por tu trabajo.

How many paintings there are in our life     

Cuantos cuadros hay en nuestra vida.

Emotions one after another throughout the voyage through your artwork 

Emociones una tras otra durante el recorrido de la obra.

Impressive movement, perspective and geometry. They are not photos, they are stories and feelings.

Impresionante el movimiento, la perspectiva y la geometría. No son fotos, son historias y sentimientos.

Original, different exhibition, with an enchanting artist. Thank you for being the way you are.

Exposición original, diferente, con un artista encantador. Gracias por ser como eres.

Genius, spectacular what a photograph can convey.

Genial, espectacular lo que puede transmitir una fotografía.

Wonderful; amazed again at the different images and realities you create.

Maravilloso; de nuevo asombrado por las diferentes imágenes y realidades que creas.

The collage of life. I’m made of little pieces of you.

El collage de la vida. Estoy hecha de pedacitos de ti.

Very diverse and imaginative. The third reality is not what it seems. Beautiful  exhibition 

Muy diverso e imaginativo. La tercera realidad no es lo que parece. Hermosa exposición. 

Surprising, beautiful  

Sorprendente, bonito

A fresh, fun and personal exhibition.

Una exposición fresca, divertida y personal.

A fabulous exhibition. It makes you think how important family is. Thank you Peter Banks from Madrid.

Una exposición fabulosa. Te hace pensar lo importante que es la familia. Gracias Peter Banks desde Madrid.

A very interesting design with well-crafted and thought-provoking photo-montages         

Una propuesta bien interesante con montajes bien trabajados y reflexivos.

I have visited many photographic exhibitions and I have never seen anything like it. It is surprising, unexpected and I have the feeling that it is very personal and familiar. I think it’s brilliant. I hope to see many more.      

He visitado muchas exposiciones fotográficas y nunca había visto nada igual. Es sorprendente, Inesperada y tengo la sensación de que es muy personal y familiar. Me parece brillante. Espero ver muchas más.

It is a revelation of lifestyles

Estilo de vida revelador.

Interesting, now I know a little more about this artist.         

Interesante, ahora conozco un poco más a este artista.

Thank you for letting us know about this super photographer.

Gracias por darnos a conocer a este excelente fotógrafo

I liked the way he played with the volume of the images.   

Me ha gustado como juega con el volumen de las imágenes.

It is interesting. You can tell there is a lot of work behind it.

Está curioso. Se nota que hay mucho trabajo detrás.

An interesting, varied and thought provoking experience.   

Una experiencia interesante, variada y que invita a la reflexión

Amazing Work.          

Un trabajo asombroso.

Great exhibition, impressive visions, years of work, congratulations.         

Gran exposición, las miradas impresionantes, trabajo de años, enhorabuena.

Fun, I loved it.

Divertida, me encantó.

Very interesting. It was really exciting, I liked the visit very much, I would come again.

Muy interesante. Ha sido realmente apasionante, la visita me ha gustado mucho, volvería a venir de nuevo.

Open House, brilliant

Jornada de puertas abiertas, brillante       

A very beautiful exhibition. It has inspired me to write a sentence for each painting.

Una exposición muy bonita. Me ha inspirado para escribir una frase para cada cuadro.

Very beautiful exhibition. It has helped me to see photos in a different way.         

Muy bonita la exposición. Me ha servido para ver las fotos de otra manera.

A very beautiful exhibition.   

Una exposición muy bonita.

Thank you for sharing this talent.      

Gracias por compartir este talento.

“Folding Faces” was very emotional for me. My Mother has dementia and I recognised her in many of the different ways that you manipulated the images

“Folding Faces” fue muy emotivo para mí. Mi madre tiene demencia y la reconocí en muchas de las diferentes formas en que manipulaste las imágenes  

Very good exhibition. It has helped me to know things about nearby places, such as Villalonga, which I did not know.  

Muy buena exposición. Me ha servido para conocer cosas de sitios cercanos, como Villalonga, que desconocía.

Our 8 month old baby is flipping out with the artwork. We were pleasantly surprised. Long live art.       

Nuestra bebé de 8 meses flipa con la obra. A nosotros nos ha sorprendido gratamente. Viva el arte.

Very good expression of 3D from flat photography. 

Muy buena expresión del 3D a partir de la fotografía plana.

Original, interesting and very inspiring. Thank you for exhibiting.  

Original, interesante y muy inspirador. Gracias por exponer.

A very original, interesting and captivating museum.          

Un museo muy original, interesante, cautivador.

Very original to add dimensionality to the photographs.     

Muy original el añadir dimensionalidad a las fotografías.

Yes, it’s interesting and it also succeeds in confusing my emotions.

Sí, es interesante y además despista mis emociones

A very touching exhibition, about how to remember the family. Very original       

Una exposición muy emotiva, referente a cómo recordar a la familia. Muy original

Very interesting, thoughtful, introspective, courageous, new materials, innovation. Food for thought.    

Muy interesante, reflexiva, introspectiva, valiente, nuevos materiales, innovación. Para reflexionar

I found it original and it has taken me to the past, present and future. It made me imagine. – Thank you.          

Me ha parecido original y me ha trasladado al pasado, presente y futuro. Me ha hecho imaginar. – Gracias.

It was very nice and really cool – Toni  10 yo           

Ha sido muy guay y muy chulo – Toni – 10 años.

Really interesting how we can appreciate and interpret art from any perspective.           

Realmente interesante como podemos apreciar e interpretar el arte desde cualquier perspectiva.

A magnificent exhibition in which the artist has reinvented the classic concept of photography by interacting with the viewer, forcing them to move through the space so that the work acquires its maximum meaning. Perfect fusion of photography and sculpture. Congratulations!        

Una magnífica exposición en la que el artista ha reinventado el concepto clásico de la fotografía interactuando con el espectador obligándole a desplazarse por el espacio para que la obra adquiera su máximo sentido. Perfecta fusión de la fotografía y escultura. Enhorabuena!

Very interesting and mesmerizing. Congratulations to the artist.    

Muy interesante e hipnotizante. Enhorabuena al artista.

Congratulations Peter! We are very fortunate to have you, friend, great artist and even better person.

Enhorabuena, Peter! Somos muy afortunados de tenerte, amigo, gran artista y mejor persona

Thank you Peter. Your exhibition has made me reflect on family, the brevity of life. Your compositions are super creative          

Gracias Peter. Tu exposición me ha hecho reflexionar sobre la familia, lo efímero de la vida. Tus composiciones súper creativas

It is hard to imagine a person with such an imagination.                 

Es difícil imaginar una persona con tanta imaginación.

Congratulations on your exhibition. It is amazing!!! I loved it!!! See you in the next one

Enhorabuena por tu exposición. Es increíble!! Me ha encantado!! Nos vemos en la próxima

Congratulations !!! Its just amazing !! Please do not stop creating! and share it with us

¡¡¡Enhorabuena!!! ¡Es simplemente increíble! Por favor, no dejes de crear! y compartirlo con nosotros

It was quite the most unique and interesting exhibition I’ve been in. Thank you for the experience.        

Ha sido una obra de arte bastante única e interesante en la que he estado. Gracias por la experiencia.

Your work on age is very artistic and philosophical  

Tu trabajo sobre la edad es muy artístico y filosófico.

Impressive, I will never look at Peter with the same eyes anymore.           

Impresionante, ya no volveré a ver a Peter con los mismos ojos.

It’s a very beautiful exhibition, very provocative.     

Es una exposición muy chula, muy provocadora.

I like the one with me in it.    

Me gusta la obra en la que estoy incluido.

Original, entertaining and endearing. It stands out from the many other exhibitions in the Sala Coll Alas. Congratulations.         

Original, divertido y entrañable. Destacable entre las muchas exposiciones de las sala Coll Alas. Felicidades

We all have a clock of the years, as the hands and gears move, we add age, experiences and memories. In the photographs you can see the passage of time. It is an exhibition full of nostalgia and reality. 

Todos tenemos un reloj de los años, mientras las manecillas y los engranajes se mueven vamos sumando edad experiencias y recuerdos. En las fotografías puedes ver el paso del tiempo. Es una exposición llena de nostalgia y realidad. 

It is an exhibition that has made us admire more the daily things in life, family, friends and the times we experience at every stage of our lives.         

Es una exposición que nos ha hecho admirar más las cosas diarias de la vida, familia, amigos y el tiempo que pasamos en cada etapa de nuestras vidas.

Congratulations Peter. A real triumph of an exhibition. So pleased that Marc and I could be a part of it and also come to see it and support you. You really are a very talented human being. With love and admiration

Felicidades Peter. Un verdadero triunfo de exposición. Estoy muy contento de que Marc y yo hayamos podido ser parte de él y también venir a verlo y apoyarte. Realmente eres un ser humano muy talentoso. Con amor y admiración

So clever and talented. What an exhibition! Thank you for sharing your work with us.      

Tan inteligente y talentoso. Que exposición! Gracias por compartir tu trabajo con nosotros

A very beautiful and special exhibition. With the guide of our friend “M. Carmen” who is a participant of an artwork in this gallery. Congratulations artist          

Una exposición muy bonita y especial. Con la guía de nuestra amiga “M. Carmen” que es partícipe de una obra en esta sala. Enhorabuena artista

I like that in your art you reflect the dance, the past, present and future of the human being.

Reference to those who are not here but are in our memories.      

Me gusta que en tu arte reflejes el baile, el pasado, presente y futuro del ser humano.

Referencia a los que no están pero si están en el recuerdo.

Many lives – beautifully coloured

Muchas vidas maravillosamente coloreadas.

We really liked “Farewell” because it represents a reality for women. Another way of looking at life.     

Nos ha gustado mucho “Farewell” porque representa una realidad de las mujeres. Otra forma de ver la vida.

Impressed, very original and innovative.      

Impresionados, muy original e innovador.

Very interesting, with great creativity and excellent technique      

Muy interesante, con gran creatividad y técnica excelente

I had never seen anything like it. Amazed, impressed, marvelled.  

Nunca había visto nada igual. Asombrada, impresionada, maravillada.

Interesting and very original.

Interesante y muy original.

Very interesting and inspirational.    

Muy interesante e inspirador.

Muchas gracias por esta experiencia inolvidable, me ha creado mucha ilusión.

I loved it, a unique experience.         

Me ha encantado, una experiencia única.

Congratulations Peter, you are an artist.      

Te felicito Peter, eres un artista.

Peter, your great work reflects your impeccable professionalism, your sensitivity and your love and commitment to and for what you do. Thank you for sharing it. Success to you

Peter, tu gran trabajo refleja tu profesionalismo impecable tu sensibilidad y el amor y compromiso con y por lo que haces. Gracias por compartirlo. Éxitos!

A very original and interesting exhibition. We liked it very much.  

Una exposición muy original e interesante. Nos ha gustado mucho.

Beautiful, hard not to go crazy.         

Precioso, no es para volverse locos.

A different way of seeing reality. Art in movement and 3D. Curious and beautiful.           

Una manera diferente a ver la realidad. Arte en movimiento y 3D. Curioso y bonito.

Thank you so much for this unforgettable experience, the illusions had a very powerful effect on me     

Very innovative but difficult exhibition.        

Exposición muy novedosa pero difícil.

Super interesting exhibition, very enriching.

Exposición súper interesante, muy enriquecedora

The exhibition was incredible! The illusions were very well done and well thought out.    

La exposición ha sido increíble. Las ilusiones estaban muy bien hechas y bien pensadas.

Very original, I liked it very much     

Muy original, me ha gustado mucho

I liked it a lot, especially the puzzles.

Me ha gustado mucho, sobre todo los puzles.

The artwork was exceptional and very clever

The words made the works even more emotional and reduced me to tears on more than one occasion

Las obras eran excepcionales y muy ingeniosas.

Fueran aún más emotivas por los textos y me hicieron llorar en más de una ocasión


Impressive exhibition. A lot of messages.     

Impresionante exposición. Muchos mensajes.

Very surreal and stimulating to the senses.  

Muy surrealista y estimulante para los sentidos

Excellent work! Manifests creativity from the bi to the tri dimension.  Congratulations. !Excelente trabajo! Implementan creatividad de la bi a la tri dimensión.  Felicitaciones

Surprising the artist’s vision, how he integrates planes and sculptures in three dimensions. Unique, very good way of seeing!       

Sorprendente la visión del artista como integra planos y esculturas en tri-dimensión. Único, muy buena forma de ver!

Very interesting the perspective that the author generates by unifying photography and sculpture in three dimensions. Really surprising.           

Muy interesante la perspectiva que genera el autor unificando fotografía y escultura en tridimensional. Realmente sorprendente.

I liked it a lot. The other day, I peeked from outside and did not enter because it did not look very interesting, but I think I have never seen such a variety of materials and ideas in an exhibition. You can see the passion applied, and this in itself is beautiful. I would like to highlight the inverted blind that creates a very original image and the drawing on the ruler. I am a draftsman, and I found it curious to feel myself on the other side of the picture plane. Very original and beautiful, thank you.         

Me ha gustado mucho, el otro día ya me asomé desde fuera y no entré porque no tenía muy buena pinta pero creo que no he visto nunca tanta variedad de materiales e ideas en esta exposición, se nota la pasión aplicada y esto ya de por sí es bonito. Destacar el de la persiana invertida que crea un efecto muy original y del dibujo en la regla. Soy delineante y me ha parecido curioso sentirme al otro lado del plano, muy original y bonito, gracias

So good Peter, Loved it          

Tan bueno Peter, me encantó

Beautiful, original, creative. Photos come to life and we can see life in photos.

Best regards and keep up the good work      

Preciosa, original, creativa. Las fotos toman vida y la vida en fotos.

Un saludo y ánimo.

Interesting Works, Our day will come.          

Trabajo interesante. Nuestro día llegará.

We loved your work, so personal and enriching. We hope it will be the first of many more. Thank you for inviting us and for sharing your art.   

Nos ha encantado tu obra, tan personal y enriquecedora. Esperamos que sea la primera de muchas más. Gracias por invitarnos y por compartir tu arte.

Wonderful exhibition artistic and creative. Very special.     

Maravillosa exposición artística y creativa. Muy especial.

Peter, a pleasure to have found out more about you, your artwork and how there is so much depth in your expressive work         

Peter, un placer haber conocido más de ti, de tu obra y de tanta profundidad en tu expresión.

Peter, your work is bold audacious and beautiful I can’t imagine what goes in your head to come up with all this creative art.   

Peter, tu trabajo es audaz, atrevido y hermoso. No puedo imaginar qué pasa por tu cabeza para crear todo este arte tan creativo.

I knew there was art in you but the exhibition has pleasantly surprised me, it is much more than I expected. A pleasure to have such a special friend and such an artist.   

Sabía que había arte en ti pero la exposición me ha sorprendido gratamente es mucho más de lo que esperaba. Un placer tener un amigo tan especial y tan artista.

It was very nice to meet my former SELF. Very touching. You are a wonderful artist and best friend. Love you XXX           

Ha sido muy bonito encontrarme con mi antiguo YO. Muy emotivo. Eres un maravilloso artista y mejor amigo. Love you XXX

I lack words of admiration for the work of Peter Banks. My admiration is beyond me. – I will be back.   

Me faltan palabras de admiración hacia la obra de Peter Banks. Me sobrepasa la admiración. – Volveré.

Has been 10 out of 10 –  Bachata 1   

Ha estado 10 de 10  – Bachata 1

Great artwork, Better human, great job.         

Gran obra, Mejor humano, gran trabajo.

I liked it very much, very original. I found it very interesting and creative.

Me ha gustado mucho, muy original. Me ha parecido muy interesante y creativo.

I liked the exhibition very much; there are some very creative and original works.           

La exposición me ha gustado bastante, hay obras muy creativas y originales.

Very suggestive and beautiful.          

Muy sugerente y bonita.

I loved ‘Bachata 3’.    

Me ha encantado “Bachata 3”

Of course, this exhibition demonstrates the passage of time very well. Not only generations but also the passage of an individual’s life from childhood to old age.          

Desde luego, esta exposición demuestra muy bien el paso del tiempo. No solo generación sino también el paso de una vida de un individuo desde la infancia hasta la vejez.

Perspective is so important. Good job           

La perspectiva es muy importante. Buen trabajo.

Spectacular, I love it. A true artist.    

Espectacular, me encanta. Todo un artista.

Great, great, no words. The best exhibition I have ever seen in this gallery. What a marvellous treatment of the different materials and what creativity. Speechless 

Genial, genial, sin palabras. La mejor exposición que he visto en esta sala. Qué maravilla el tratamiento de los distintos materiales y qué creatividad. Sin palabras.

Very beautiful and interesting. Another point of view of things. A pleasure and without words.   

Muy bonito e interesante. Otro punto de vista de las cosas. Un placer y sin palabras.

Superb exhibition of the great photographer Peter Banks.

Soberbia exposición del gran fotógrafo Peter Banks

 Very original. Lots of imagination. A lot of effort.    

Muy original. Mucha imaginación. Mucho esferzo.

Very interesting, thoughtful and inspiring. It invites you to see life from a new perspective.

Muy interesante, reflexiva e inspiradora. Invita a ver la vida desde una nueva perspectiva.

Interesting point of view in photography through flat and 3D techniques.

Excellent exhibition.  Interesante punto de vista de la fotografía por planos y 3D. Excelente exposición.

Very beautiful exhibition. Thank you for your art.    

Muy bonita exposición. Gracias por tu arte.

Very beautiful. After all, we are all just memories for those who remember us    

Muy bonito, al fin y al cabo somos recuerdos de quien nos recuerda.

Congratulations Peter for your artwork. I was very impressed. Amazing.   

Felicidades Peter por tu trabajo. Me ha impresionado mucho. Espectacular.

Our congratulations, Peter. A hug     

Nuestra enhorabuena, Peter, un abrazo.

Really surprising        

Realmente sorprendente.

 We really liked it.     

Nos ha gustado mucho

I was positively surprised. Very interesting, and it is great work.    

Me ha sorprendido gratamente. Muy interesante y hay un gran trabajo.

Peter, you are a great artist, “a monster” (a true genius). Thank you for the time spent producing such wonderful works  

Peter, eres un gran artista, un “monstruo” gracias por el tiempo gastado para producir estas obras tan maravillosas.

Congratulations on your work Peter. It is always a pleasure to contemplate your artwork.

 Enhorabuena por tu obra Peter. Siempre es un placer contemplar tu trabajo.

Very creative and thought provoking. The way images change when viewed from different angles is amazing. Difficult issues are depicted in a subtle and sensitive way. 

I especially like “El Angel de la Capilla”. It is just stunning.


Muy creativo y sugerente. La forma en que las imágenes cambian cuando se ven desde distintos ángulos es asombrosa. Los temas difíciles se representan de forma sutil y sensible. 

Me gusta especialmente «El Ángel de la Capilla». Es sencillamente impresionante.

Enhorabuena, Peter.

Talk to the artist

Above is his latest piece of work

  • What do you think of it?
  • Has it made you think or feel differently?
  • Is this work like anything else you have seen?

To talk to the artist :

Talk to the artist

Above is his latest piece of work

  • What do you think of it?
  • Has it made you think or feel differently?
  • Is this work like anything else you have seen?

To talk to the artist :

Talk to the artist

Above is his latest piece of work

  • What do you think of it?
  • Has it made you think or feel differently?
  • Is this work like anything else you have seen?

To talk to the artist :

Peter Banks is an artist and photographer. He explores the potential of photography to make us question what we see and how we see it - the ambiguity that can be used to alter or heighten our interpretation of reality. He aims to create the shock, the surprise, the new way of seeing something that opens up alternative possibilities. He is interested in the relationship between what a photograph is and what it represents. What can be done to a photograph as well as what can be done in it.

He uses life-size photographic images to both cover and reveal their subjects – masking or boxing something in by its own image. He enjoys the ambiguity of photographic space and his work creates tensions between real form and space and a two-dimensional illusion of them.

He explores the idea of photos as the trace that people leave behind them and how photos can punch a hole through a current situation to reveal something of its past. He is intrigued by analysing the ordinary – isolating, ordering, framing, extracting, reflecting – as a way of understanding and affecting the interpretation of its meaning – like a forensic approach to a crime scene.

He believes that how and where you see things affects their meaning and he is keen to explore these possibilities and to access a wider public by developing and showing his work not just in conventional galleries, but also in a range of different public settings.

Peter Banks has exhibited widely in the UK and elsewhere at venues including:

AIR Gallery, Serpentine Gallery, Riverside Studios, Whitechapel Gallery in London; Whitworth Gallery, Peterloo Gallery in Manchester; Impressions Gallery in York; Midland Group in Nottingham; National Museum of Photography, Film And TV in Bradford, ARE in Belfast.

His work has also been displayed at a wide range of public venues, including shopping centres, railway stations, town centres, poster hoardings and derelict buildings.

He has received financial support from Arts Council, major galleries and commercial sponsors, as well as working to private commissions. His work has been featured in national press, specialist art and design journals and on line publications.

Peter Banks is an artist and photographer. He explores the potential of photography to make us question what we see and how we see it - the ambiguity that can be used to alter or heighten our interpretation of reality.

He aims to create the shock, the surprise, the new way of seeing something that opens up alternative possibilities. He is interested in the relationship between what a photograph is and what it represents. What can be done to a photograph as well as what can be done in it.

He uses life-size photographic images to both cover and reveal their subjects – masking or boxing something in by its own image. He enjoys the ambiguity of photographic space and his work creates tensions between real form and space and a two-dimensional illusion of them.

He explores the idea of photos as the trace that people leave behind them and how photos can punch a hole through a current situation to reveal something of its past. He is intrigued by analysing the ordinary – isolating, ordering, framing, extracting, reflecting – as a way of understanding and affecting the interpretation of its meaning – like a forensic approach to a crime scene.

He believes that how and where you see things affects their meaning and he is keen to explore these possibilities and to access a wider public by developing and showing his work not just in conventional galleries, but also in a range of different public settings.

Peter Banks has exhibited widely in the UK and elsewhere at venues including:

AIR Gallery, Serpentine Gallery, Riverside Studios, Whitechapel Gallery in London; Whitworth Gallery, Peterloo Gallery in Manchester; Impressions Gallery in York; Midland Group in Nottingham; National Museum of Photography, Film And TV in Bradford, ARE in Belfast.

His work has also been displayed at a wide range of public venues, including shopping centres, railway stations, town centres, poster hoardings and derelict buildings.

He has received financial support from Arts Council, major galleries and commercial sponsors, as well as working to private commissions. His work has been featured in national press, specialist art and design journals and on line publications.

The website displays current work, along with the ideas and processes that underpin it, as well as acting as a comprehensive archive of past work and its development over time. The home page shows work currently in progress (below) and also features a display of the most recently completed piece (top of page). Previous work is accessed through the main menu. It is arranged chronologically with earlier pieces at the top of the menus and more recent at the bottom.

Some related pieces are grouped together. Most have supporting text and imagery. This includes related sequences of supporting images, videos and a developing record of how the piece evolved during production.

The purpose of the site is not to sell the work, at least not in a literal sense. In fact the majority of the work in Gallery Installations and Public Works no longer exists, other than as a photographic record. It was conceived and realised for a particular location at a particular time and was taken apart and destroyed at the end of that time.

Proposals for new installations, venues and commissions are always welcomed, as are your thoughts on the work displayed on the site.


The website displays current work, along with the ideas and processes that underpin it, as well as acting as a comprehensive archive of past work and its development over time.

The home page shows work currently in progress (below) and also features a display of the most recently completed piece (top of page). Previous work is accessed through the main menu. It is arranged chronologically with earlier pieces at the top of the menus and more recent at the bottom.

Some related pieces are grouped together. Most have supporting text and imagery. This includes related sequences of supporting images, videos and a developing record of how the piece evolved during production.

The purpose of the site is not to sell the work, at least not in a literal sense. In fact the majority of the work in Gallery Installations and Public Works no longer exists, other than as a photographic record. It was conceived and realised for a particular location at a particular time and was taken apart and destroyed at the end of that time.

Proposals for new installations, venues and commissions are always welcomed, as are your thoughts on the work displayed on the site.


The work is produced from photographic imagery built into three-dimensional structures made from card, timber, wire, acrylic, glass and mirror.

They range from small-scale objects that fit in the hand to large structures and installations in galleries and public spaces.

Whether they are fully three-dimensional or wall-mounted relief structures, they change appearance and meaning when seen from different viewpoints.


Photographs and sequences are one-off images and narrative sequences.

Photosculptures are structures that incorporate or are made up of photographic imagery to create three-dimensional photographs.

Photopuzzles are three-dimensional games – sculptures to play with.

Gallery installations are works commissioned by contemporary art galleries and usually developed in the gallery space during the exhibition.

Public works are pieces carried out in a range of public venues, including poster hoardings, shopping centres and outdoor spaces. Many were commissioned by the venue or by third party funders.

Work in Progress…..

Work in progress is a display of new pieces at different stages of development. The content includes first thoughts and ideas, source material and influences, trials, experiments and mock-ups.

Each work is developed progressively and when it reaches a state of completion it is featured at the top of the home page and then is transferred to the main menu.

For more information click the Process button below

Borrowed Thoughts

In a Japanese garden the term “Shakkei” or “Borrowed Landscape” refers to the view beyond the garden. It is borrowed because it is not owned or controlled by the gardener, but it expands and gives context to the garden.

These thoughts do likewise.

The essence of how to make a good poem






John Betjeman

The Blue album, there’s hardly a dishonest note in the vocals

At that period in my life, I had no personal defenses.

I felt like a cellophane wrapper on a pack of cigarettes.

I felt like I had absolutely no secrets from the world and I couldn’t pretend in my life to be strong. Or to be happy.

But the advantage of it in the music was that there were no defenses there either.


Joni Mitchell

Art is short for artificial…so the art of art is to be as real as you can within this artificial situation…

In a way it’s a lie to get you to see the truth.”


Joni Mitchell

. Nothing is impossible to the young, not until we become caught in the problems of living and forget to make-believe.

Perhaps these pictures of mine will keep all of us young a little longer, will stretch our imaginations enough to help keep us magically human. I hope so, I believe so—



Art is solving problems that cannot be formulated before they have been solved.

The shaping of the question is part of the answer

Piet Hein

Human beings exist in the world in some kind of concrete way, but they also exist in other people’s minds and stories

These are often two different versions of the same person and we are probably many contradictory and distinct characters to our friends and casual acquaintances.


Brian Kiteley




Put your desk in the corner and every time you sit down there to write, remind yourself why it isn’t in the middle of the room. Life isn’t a support system for art. It’s the other way round.


The job boils down to two things: paying attention to how the real people around you behave and then telling the truth about what you see.


Stephen King    2020


This happens to me again and again: after long deliberations and sketches, a picture idea is finally clarified and “decided”, and when things get really serious, the picture suddenly shows you that it wants to be something else


Quint Buchholz    2020

Good story ideas seem to come quite literally from nowhere, sailing at you right out of the empty sky: two previously unrelated ideas come together and make something new under the sun.

Your job isn’t to find these ideas, but to recognise them when they show up.


Stephen King    2020


This product was crafted with a top quality vegetable tanned leather that changes over time.
The customizations that occur with its use are a statement of naturalness and authenticity.
Therefore minor losses of colour, small marks and imperfections are not to be considered a defect, but a peculiarity of this product and confirmation of its originality

bag or body?

Sometimes Hokusai also slipped drawings in between his sentences as an alternative or supplement to the text, giving the letters a unique personal touch

Kobayashi Tadashi

Isn’t it that one wants a thing to be as factual as possible, and yet at the same time as deeply suggestive or deeply unlocking of areas of sensation other than simply illustrating the object that you set out to do? Isn’t that what art is all about?

What I want to do is distort the thing far beyond appearance, but in the distortion to bring it back to a recording of the appearance

Francis Bacon

As soon as we die we enter into fiction. We become the subject of stories

Change the viewpoint and the story is new

Hilary Mantel 2017

Sometimes I don’t feel any age at all
I feel naive and open to things

Elizabeth Jane Howard (age 90)

Poetry relates to language as music relates to noise. It is language made special, so that it will be remembered and valued.

John Carey  2020

It is our knowledge – the things we are sure of – that makes the world go wrong and keeps us from learning.

Lincoln Stiffens

Art is a basic human need, a basic human activity. It is what makes us human and offers us the tools to become ourselves. In a time when we are driven mad by the lure of false desires and the promise of objects of consumption, art can be a free and open space of experiment and experience. Art can release us from the need to possess objects of power and allow us to enter the field in which the power of objects frees us.


Antony Gormley   2011

Plato speaks of an artist turning the invisible world into the visible.

I hope that someone seeing my sculpture is lifted out of his ordinary state



The fool is a very important character in a Shakespeare play as he fulfills two important functions:

  1. He has licence to speak truth to power with no holds barred – in a context where no-one else dare do that, for fear of their lives –  and he acts like the chorus in Greek drama – commenting on the characters and the action for the benefit of the audience.
  2. He is usually the wisest character in the play. The other characters refer to him as ‘the fool’ and we usually know him as ‘the jester.’ He does not normally have a dramatic role but some fools do.

An unreliable narrator is a first-person narrator with a compromised viewpoint

Narrators serve as filters for stories. What narrators do not know or experience cannot be shown to the reader. The first-person narrator is powerful because that viewpoint is the only one that we have to judge the events on the page. The reader believes that the narrator will be truthful and provide an accurate account of the story.

When we have an unreliable narrator, the reader cannot trust his or her version of the story.

These narrators may be insane, angry, strung out on drugs or alcohol, naive, foreign, criminals, liars or simply younger than everybody else.

They can be comical or absurd, tragic or serious, terrifying or surreal.

The actors I like most are those who have an air of mystery about them, who don’t make themselves bigger than the story they’re telling. I’ve tried to be like that myself.


I think, as a storyteller, you’re interested more in the darker aspect of things. Often it’s where a lot of the gold is.


Shaun Evans


It’s very hard to get rich and famous at a young age and handle it well…… Fortunately I wrote stuff that people didn’t like. I dodged a bullet there.


And it suddenly dawned on me – that’s why I’ll never win the love of the American public. They want artists to mean what they say.


Randy Newman

Although photography generates works that can be called art – it requires subjectivity, it can lie, it gives aesthetic pleasure – photography is not, to begin with, an art form at all. Like language, it is a medium in which works of art (among other things) are made.

Out of language, one can make scientific discourse, bureaucratic memoranda, love letters, grocery lists, and Balzac’s Paris.

Out of photography, one can make passport pictures, weather photographs, pornographic pictures, X-rays, wedding pictures, and Atget’s Paris


Susan Sontag


The reason that a Mobius strip gives one a strange sensation is that, conceptually, the distinction between “front and back” which ought to be clear has become ambiguous and vague; this phenomenon, however, can also occur with other dualities such as “inside and outside”, “up and down” and “light and dark” … Yet this violation of logic still permits us to say that such a world is formed by “representational truth”

The small devil wondering, “Am I inside or outside the bottle” is concerned with this kind of “representational truth”.


Nakahara Yusuke


A photograph is not only an image (as a painting is an image), an interpretation of the real; it is also a trace, something directly stencilled from the real, like a footprint or a death mask.


Having a photograph of Shakespeare would be like having a nail from the True Cross

Susan Sontag


My pictures are like maps, which perhaps only I can understand. Therefore, in following my maps there are some travellers who get lost. There are those who become angry when they discover they have been fooled; but there are also those who enter into the maze of my maps willingly, in an attempt to explore their accuracy for themselves.


Mitsumasa Anno


Imagination (which is about impossibility) and reality aren’t opposites, but complement each other. One might say that reality and imagination differ from each other in the same way that the audience at a play is set apart from the actors. It’s where the two meet that hope is to be found.

Mitsumasa Anno



A person who only looks for what he wants in painting will never find that which transcends his preferences. But, if one has been trapped by the mystery of an image which refuses all explanation, a moment of panic will sometimes occur. These moments of panic are what count for Magritte. For him they are privileged moments, because they transcend mediocrity. (But for that, there doesn’t have to be art – it can happen at any moment.)


Suzi Gablik


The development of Magritte’s painting from 1924 until his death in 1967 may be studied by art historians; they will find him to be an artist who throughout his life confused every trail, displaced every landmark and turned dates into a jumble. It will suffice to say here that his work evolved from complexity to simplicity, from an outcry to eloquent silence, from arrogance to wisdom.

Since our friend left us, each of his pictures lives its own life and sheds on the world a magic radiance, so that we behold everyday sights through his eyes instead of our own.


E Langui

Brussels 1973

How slowly one advances in a boat that does not float with the stream in a specific direction! How much easier it is when one can connect with the work of great predecessors whose value is not doubted by anyone. A personal experiment, a construction whose foundations one must dig himself and whose walls one must erect himself, runs a real risk of becoming a humble hovel. But perhaps one prefers to live there rather than in a palace that has been built by others.

MC Escher  1958

Borrowed Thoughts

In a Japanese garden the term “Shakkei” or “Borrowed Landscape” refers to the view beyond the garden. It is borrowed because it is not owned or controlled by the gardener, but it expands and gives context to the garden. These thoughts do likewise.

The essence of how to make a good poem






John Betjeman

The Blue album, there’s hardly a dishonest note in the vocals

At that period in my life, I had no personal defenses.

I felt like a cellophane wrapper on a pack of cigarettes.

I felt like I had absolutely no secrets from the world and I couldn’t pretend in my life to be strong. Or to be happy.

But the advantage of it in the music was that there were no defenses there either.


Joni Mitchell

Art is short for artificial…so the art of art is to be as real as you can within this artificial situation…

In a way it’s a lie to get you to see the truth.”


Joni Mitchell

. Nothing is impossible to the young, not until we become caught in the problems of living and forget to make-believe.

Perhaps these pictures of mine will keep all of us young a little longer, will stretch our imaginations enough to help keep us magically human. I hope so, I believe so—



Art is solving problems that cannot be formulated before they have been solved.

The shaping of the question is part of the answer

Piet Hein

Human beings exist in the world in some kind of concrete way, but they also exist in other people’s minds and stories

These are often two different versions of the same person and we are probably many contradictory and distinct characters to our friends and casual acquaintances.


Brian Kiteley




Put your desk in the corner and every time you sit down there to write, remind yourself why it isn’t in the middle of the room. Life isn’t a support system for art. It’s the other way round.


The job boils down to two things: paying attention to how the real people around you behave and then telling the truth about what you see.


Stephen King    2020


This happens to me again and again: after long deliberations and sketches, a picture idea is finally clarified and “decided”, and when things get really serious, the picture suddenly shows you that it wants to be something else


Quint Buchholz    2020

Good story ideas seem to come quite literally from nowhere, sailing at you right out of the empty sky: two previously unrelated ideas come together and make something new under the sun.

Your job isn’t to find these ideas, but to recognise them when they show up.


Stephen King    2020


This product was crafted with a top quality vegetable tanned leather that changes over time.
The customizations that occur with its use are a statement of naturalness and authenticity.
Therefore minor losses of colour, small marks and imperfections are not to be considered a defect, but a peculiarity of this product and confirmation of its originality

bag or body?

Sometimes Hokusai also slipped drawings in between his sentences as an alternative or supplement to the text, giving the letters a unique personal touch

Kobayashi Tadashi

Isn’t it that one wants a thing to be as factual as possible, and yet at the same time as deeply suggestive or deeply unlocking of areas of sensation other than simply illustrating the object that you set out to do? Isn’t that what art is all about?

What I want to do is distort the thing far beyond appearance, but in the distortion to bring it back to a recording of the appearance

Francis Bacon

As soon as we die we enter into fiction. We become the subject of stories

Change the viewpoint and the story is new

Hilary Mantel 2017

Sometimes I don’t feel any age at all
I feel naive and open to things

Elizabeth Jane Howard (age 90)

Poetry relates to language as music relates to noise. It is language made special, so that it will be remembered and valued.

John Carey  2020

It is our knowledge – the things we are sure of – that makes the world go wrong and keeps us from learning.

Lincoln Stiffens

Art is a basic human need, a basic human activity. It is what makes us human and offers us the tools to become ourselves. In a time when we are driven mad by the lure of false desires and the promise of objects of consumption, art can be a free and open space of experiment and experience. Art can release us from the need to possess objects of power and allow us to enter the field in which the power of objects frees us.


Antony Gormley   2011

Plato speaks of an artist turning the invisible world into the visible.

I hope that someone seeing my sculpture is lifted out of his ordinary state



The fool is a very important character in a Shakespeare play as he fulfills two important functions:

  1. He has licence to speak truth to power with no holds barred – in a context where no-one else dare do that, for fear of their lives –  and he acts like the chorus in Greek drama – commenting on the characters and the action for the benefit of the audience.
  2. He is usually the wisest character in the play. The other characters refer to him as ‘the fool’ and we usually know him as ‘the jester.’ He does not normally have a dramatic role but some fools do.

An unreliable narrator is a first-person narrator with a compromised viewpoint

Narrators serve as filters for stories. What narrators do not know or experience cannot be shown to the reader. The first-person narrator is powerful because that viewpoint is the only one that we have to judge the events on the page. The reader believes that the narrator will be truthful and provide an accurate account of the story.

When we have an unreliable narrator, the reader cannot trust his or her version of the story.

These narrators may be insane, angry, strung out on drugs or alcohol, naive, foreign, criminals, liars or simply younger than everybody else.

They can be comical or absurd, tragic or serious, terrifying or surreal.

The actors I like most are those who have an air of mystery about them, who don’t make themselves bigger than the story they’re telling. I’ve tried to be like that myself.


I think, as a storyteller, you’re interested more in the darker aspect of things. Often it’s where a lot of the gold is.


Shaun Evans


It’s very hard to get rich and famous at a young age and handle it well…… Fortunately I wrote stuff that people didn’t like. I dodged a bullet there.


And it suddenly dawned on me – that’s why I’ll never win the love of the American public. They want artists to mean what they say.


Randy Newman

Although photography generates works that can be called art – it requires subjectivity, it can lie, it gives aesthetic pleasure – photography is not, to begin with, an art form at all. Like language, it is a medium in which works of art (among other things) are made.

Out of language, one can make scientific discourse, bureaucratic memoranda, love letters, grocery lists, and Balzac’s Paris.

Out of photography, one can make passport pictures, weather photographs, pornographic pictures, X-rays, wedding pictures, and Atget’s Paris


Susan Sontag


The reason that a Mobius strip gives one a strange sensation is that, conceptually, the distinction between “front and back” which ought to be clear has become ambiguous and vague; this phenomenon, however, can also occur with other dualities such as “inside and outside”, “up and down” and “light and dark” … Yet this violation of logic still permits us to say that such a world is formed by “representational truth”

The small devil wondering, “Am I inside or outside the bottle” is concerned with this kind of “representational truth”.


Nakahara Yusuke


A photograph is not only an image (as a painting is an image), an interpretation of the real; it is also a trace, something directly stencilled from the real, like a footprint or a death mask.


Having a photograph of Shakespeare would be like having a nail from the True Cross

Susan Sontag


My pictures are like maps, which perhaps only I can understand. Therefore, in following my maps there are some travellers who get lost. There are those who become angry when they discover they have been fooled; but there are also those who enter into the maze of my maps willingly, in an attempt to explore their accuracy for themselves.


Mitsumasa Anno


Imagination (which is about impossibility) and reality aren’t opposites, but complement each other. One might say that reality and imagination differ from each other in the same way that the audience at a play is set apart from the actors. It’s where the two meet that hope is to be found.

Mitsumasa Anno



A person who only looks for what he wants in painting will never find that which transcends his preferences. But, if one has been trapped by the mystery of an image which refuses all explanation, a moment of panic will sometimes occur. These moments of panic are what count for Magritte. For him they are privileged moments, because they transcend mediocrity. (But for that, there doesn’t have to be art – it can happen at any moment.)


Suzi Gablik


The development of Magritte’s painting from 1924 until his death in 1967 may be studied by art historians; they will find him to be an artist who throughout his life confused every trail, displaced every landmark and turned dates into a jumble. It will suffice to say here that his work evolved from complexity to simplicity, from an outcry to eloquent silence, from arrogance to wisdom.

Since our friend left us, each of his pictures lives its own life and sheds on the world a magic radiance, so that we behold everyday sights through his eyes instead of our own.


E Langui

Brussels 1973

How slowly one advances in a boat that does not float with the stream in a specific direction! How much easier it is when one can connect with the work of great predecessors whose value is not doubted by anyone. A personal experiment, a construction whose foundations one must dig himself and whose walls one must erect himself, runs a real risk of becoming a humble hovel. But perhaps one prefers to live there rather than in a palace that has been built by others.

MC Escher  1958

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