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I was deeply moved and touched. Truly innovative, creative, and thought-provoking work. Thank you for sharing the emotions and the real stories behind each piece. It overflows with humanity, beauty, and originality            Me ha encantado y emocionado...

The ability to emphasize and create a prism of situations that not all of us get to experience is incredibly valuable. Additionally, it involves the skill of helping others understand those experiences in a way that allows us to immerse ourselves in them from our own...

An abstract but not post-modernist body of work. Work with the human being as the purpose of art. One of the best works of the end of the 20th century before the existential void of the 21st century arrived. Una obra abstracta pero no post-modernista. Una obra con el...

Simply stunning.          Simplemente impactante. A very cool and original exhibition. I loved it.            Una exposición muy chula y original. Me ha encantado. Thank you Peter for moving me.        Gracias Peter por...

It is a genuine exhibition.       Es una exposición auténtica. I was amazed, it is a unique exhibition. I wish there were more exhibitions like this.         Me ha impactado, es una exposición única. Ojalá hubiera más exposiciones así. It is a great exhibition. Very...

A new proposition that is in line with the best traditions of cubism with the addition of 3D. Una propuesta novedosa que entronca con las mejores tradiciones del cubismo  con el añadido del 3D. Banks’ work reflects an artist full of humanity, professionalism and...

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