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Perpetual Motion



This is a family portrait. Each part moves independently at its own speed. There is an assumption that at one point in the past or at some point in the future all the parts will align to create a coherent whole.

He is an engineer. His business designs and builds giant robotic machines. He has built the business his whole life. He employs a hundred people in a vast new building.  He works very long days. He is now over 70 but can’t yet consider retiring. His son and his daughter are  learning the business, but still aren’t quite ready to take over. His wife isn’t sure she wants her children to have the same life as her husband

He has two families.

His business is his baby

His work is his life

He can’t stop working

He may work forever……..

Perpetual Motion



This is a family portrait. Each part moves independently at its own speed.

There is an assumption that at one point in the past or at some point in the future all the parts will align to create a coherent whole.

He is an engineer. His business designs and builds giant robotic machines. He has built the business his whole life. He employs a hundred people in a vast new building.  He works very long days. He is now over 70 but can’t yet consider retiring. His son and his daughter are  learning the business, but still aren’t quite ready to take over. His wife isn’t sure she wants her children to have the same life as her husband

He has two families.

His business is his baby

His work is his life

He can’t stop working

He may work forever……..

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