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2D Vision




She has three children. She is kind, generous and strong ( see more)


She used to be very active. She loved rock climbing, archery and photography

Her partner was angry and abusive. One day he hit her so hard that her eye started to bleed

The doctors could not save her eye. They removed it and now she has a prosthetic

She is now in constant pain and must adjust her whole life to accommodate the fact that she can only see from one side of her face. What were normal activities are now very difficult or even impossible

She is determined to regain her life and her confidence. She walks, she drives and soon she will start a photography course.

She survives and she will flourish



Tiene tres hijos. Es amable, generosa y fuerte. (ver mas)



Solía ser muy activa. Le encantaba la escalada en roca, el tiro con arco y la fotografía.

Su pareja era enojada y abusiva. Un día la golpeó tan fuerte que su ojo comenzó a sangrar y los médicos no pudieron salvarlo. Se lo quitaron y ahora tiene una prótesis.

Ahora tiene un dolor constante y debe ajustar toda su vida para adaptarse al hecho de que solo puede ver desde un lado de su cara. Lo que eran actividades normales ahora son muy difíciles o incluso imposibles.

Está decidida a recuperar su vida y su confianza. Camina, conduce y pronto empezará un curso de fotografía.

Sobrevive y florecerá

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